World Walking Day held in the ancient Xi'an City on Mother's Day
2011 Infinitus World Walking Day (China) second station was held in Xi'an, Shan'Xi province on May 8th. This is the first time that World Waling Day event was held in this ancient city and it would be a perfect combination of modern sport for all movements and traditional Chinese culture. Shan'Xi Province Sports Bureau officials, Xi'an City Sports Bureau officials, Xi'an City government officials, and Beijing Olympics torchbearer Wang Libin attended the event.
The participants started from Yu Dao Square, and the whole walking route is about 7 kilometres long. As May 8th is the Mother's Day, some of the walking participates, together with their mothers, engaged in this event. Moreover, in order to encourage more citizens to the sport for all movements through the event, the organizers particularly invited 100 disabled people who completed the event accompanied by the volunteers. Many international students studied in Xi'an Universities attended the event as well. As a whole, there were about 10,000 people participated in World Walking Day (Xi'an).
World Walking Day (China) will be held in the other 10 cities in the following 6 months, and over 100,000 people are expected to join.