Guidelines for Contributors
Language and types of contributionThe Journal of Asiania Sport for All contains several forms of contributions: Articles (8-15 pages), reports (3-8 pages), congress/event reports (2-3 pages), and keynote lecture (8-15pages) including tables figures, and photographs). All manuscripts must contribute to the development of Sport for All and must be submitted in English.
An abstract of 100-200 words and 5 key words maximum must also be supplied, typed on a separate sheet, together with a biographical note of 25 to words.
All direct quotations of 35-40 words or more should be displayed as indent text, but still double-spaced.
Try to avoid using too many notes. Where they are necessary, they must be brief and should appear at the bottom of the page.
All manuscripts are reviewed by the editorial board of ASFAA. When revisions are requested by the journal’s editorial board, authors must resubmit the revised manuscript within 3 weeks. If resubmission takes more than 3 weeks, the manuscript will be treated as a new submission. Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format (40 lines), and the file should not exceed 4 MB. For figures, tables and photographs, up to 10MB of PDF, Word, and Excel files can be uploaded.
Top and bottom margins: 2cm
Left margins: 3cm
Right margins: 2cm
Page numbers: bottom center
Full name, organization of authors and contact details (postal address, e-mail address)
Figures, tables, maps and photographs
Photographs are classified in the same category as figures. Figures and tables should be numbered separately and consecutively (e.g., Figure 1, Table 1). Capitalize only the first word of the caption.
Format for reference list
List all entries cited in the text, or any other items used to prepare the manuscript, alphabetically by author and year of publication in a separate, headed, reference section.
Please refer the examples given:
McPherson, B.D. (1990) Ageing as a social process: An introduction to individual and population ageing. Toronto: Butterworths.
Kidd, B. (1987) Sports and masculinity, in M. Kaufman (ed.) Beyond patriarchy: essays by men. Toronto: Oxford.
Laura, R. & White, S., Eds.(1991) Drug controversy in sport: The socio-ethical and medical issues. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Tsai, M.J. & Jwo, H. (2004) Self-determination perspectives on exercise behavior regulations. Paper presented at the 8th ASFAA Congress, Taipei, Taiwan.
Yamaguchi, Y. (2002) Sport, tourism, sport volunteers and Sport for All. Journal of Asiania Sport for All 3(1), 29-36.
Deadlines for the 11th edition ASFAA Journal: July 25th, 2011.
ASFAA Secretariat
Address: No.2 Tiyuguan Road, Chongwen District, Beijing 100763, China
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